I Am Human; Here Me Roar

I spend a lot of my free time in denial. Pretending that things don't bother me and that I am a cold hearted lizard. I am not a cold hearted lizard. Maybe its a personality thing.. I am INTJ and proud (if you haven't taken a "16 personalities" quiz you should do that now). Part of being an INTJ is being scared of emotion and often coming across as cold hearted. For some reason I think emotion makes someone weak and should be pushed back into the recesses of my mind until I eventually implode. I pretend that I don't have emotions, but that isn't true. Everyone has emotion, even if they don't want to.
Its especially weeks like this, weeks that are harder, where my tendency to be a lizard comes out the most. I feel like the brave thing to do is not be emotional which is a bunch of bull crap. Why should I feel like a coward for having emotions, for being human.
Maybe its because society typically depicts men as being brave and unemotional. I mean "man up" is basically saying stop being a wuss, stop being feminine, and do what needs to be done. Why can't I do what needs to be done why being emotional. In the end emotion makes me stronger and healthier. I am most emotionally stable when I let myself feel things, feel sadness and anger.
We should stop saying man up and start saying "human-up". Feel emotion. Express how you feel. Do what needs to be done.


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